“We intend to assist in the character development of our student athletes through emphasis on
Respect, Responsibility, Accountability and Work Ethic in our athletic endeavors.”
Amie Marshall- Athletic Coordinator
Phone: 518-643-6301
Email: [email protected]
Sport Level Philosophies
At the Varsity level of athletics, there is a greater emphasis placed on winning and being a competitive team. Athletic participation is justified by a number of factors, as determined by the coaching staff. The characteristics shown by a student-athlete that will dictate playing time are: overall character, athletic ability, athletic skill, dedication, a solid academic standing, punctuality, hustle, attitude, etc. An individual’s playing time shall be reflected by one’s ability to maximize his/her attention to the aforementioned criteria.
At the Junior Varsity level of athletics, there is still an emphasis placed on winning and being a competitive team, but teaching fundamentals and participation come to the forefront. Athletic participation is justified by a number of factors, as determined by the coaching staff. Characteristics that a student-athlete can exhibit to increase playing time are: a positive character, superior athletic ability, athletic skill, great dedication, solid academic standing, punctuality, hustle, exceptional attitude, etc. An individual’s playing time shall be reflected by one’s ability to maximize his/her attention to the aforementioned criteria. If the circumstances of the game allow the coaching staff to enter a maximum number of athletes into the contest, that practice will be adhered to as opposed to the significance of the contest’s outcome.
At the Modified level of athletics, there is an emphasis placed on basic skill introduction, team building, and proper sportsmanship. The Modified level of competition is used to teach the game and have the student-athletes learn necessary skills of the sport. Athletic participation is justified by a number of factors, as determined by the coaching staff. Characteristics that will affect an individual’s playing time include, but are not limited to: a positive character, adequate athletic ability, proficient athletic skill, strong dedication, solid academic standing, punctuality, hustle, exceptional attitude, etc. Student-athletes at the Modified level can assume they will play in every game, provided circumstances that would prohibit play are not present, i.e. injury, poor academic standing, missing practice, etc. There is no assumption that all playing time will be equal should these circumstances arise. The coach will strive to find equal playing time, but equal playing time is not guaranteed, should the aforementioned circumstances arise. Every attempt will be made to keep as many athletes as possible. This will be determined by budget, (i.e. officials, uniforms, equipment) space and/or coach availability.
Coaches and Officials
Athletics and Coaching Application
Section VII – Coaching Certification opens in a new tab
Officials Certification
Section VII – Become an Official
Click on the link above to begin the Application Process for becoming an official at our games by visiting the National Federation of State High School Associations website for Officials. This application process will get you started in becoming a licensed High School Official.
Cold Weather & High Heat Index Guidelines
Please click the above link to view the guidelines set forth by the New York State Public High Schools Athletic Association (NYSPHAA) for High Heat and Cold Weather guidelines for athletics. The Peru Athletics Department is following these guidelines and monitoring our athletes with extreme care in these situations. Extra water and ice will be at all sites for any practice or contest in high heat conditions. Coaches will provide more breaks and have less strenuous activity as well as less duration of activity in practice. The Officials association is also building in water breaks during contests.
APP Process
The APP was revised to assess a student’s physical and emotional maturation, physical fitness, and sport skill, so that a student may be placed at a level of competition that should result in increased opportunity, a fairer competitive environment, minimized risk, and greater personal satisfaction.
Click here to see the updated APP process
Letter to Parents for Sports
Click Here for Letter to Parents
Required Forms
Interval Health History for Athletes
Parent/Athlete Concussion Signature Page