Welcome to the Library Media Center at Peru Jr/Sr High!
Online Catalogs
Peru Middle/High School Library Catalog
eBooks Now Available for Download.
Please see your Librarian for Details.
Online Database
username: search
password: peruhig8
username: peruhs
password: bookworm
Citing Your Sources
Citation Machines:
Citation Machine
Guide for MLA documentation:
MLA Guide
For additional information on MLA style, see the MLA Handbook in the reference collection: REF 808 MLA, or the MLA website: www.mla.org.
Additional Links
North Country Notes Index
Peru Jr/Sr High School Librarians
Mrs. Sharon Luck
I’m from Plattsburgh originally. I have three children in the Peru school district. I received a Master’s in Elementary Education from Plattsburgh State. I am now working on my Master’s in Librarianship. I’m very excited to be the High School Library Media Specialist.
Phone: 518-643-6406
Email: [email protected]
Degrees and Certifications: Master’s in Elementary Education and working on my Master’s in Librarianship.
Joanne Weiss
Phone: 518-643-6400
Email: [email protected]