Welcome to Peru Drama Club!
Group Information
Drama Club Officers
2022-2023 School Year
President: Remi Beauharnois & Amara Corrigan
Vice President: Brenna LaHart
Secretary: Z Young
Treasurer: Zoee Corrigan
Public Relations: Lucas Allen
Social Media: Bianka Snider
Advisors: Chris Urban and Nikki Hilchey
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 518-551-0811
Group Activities
Musical Production
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
March 9 & 10: 7:30PM
March 11: 2PM & 7:30PM
Trips to Proctor’s Theatre
Peru Drama Club works to give students opportunities to see professional shows conducted by professional theatre companies. One way we do this is by creating bus trips to Proctor’s Theatre in Schenectady, NY. Proctors Theatre is a nonprofit, cultural, educational, and charitable organization that delivers exciting shows, excellent educational programming and community events to the extended capital region. When possible, PDC conducts a bus trip once in the fall and spring semesters. In the past, PDC has enjoyed seeing musicals such as Disney’s Newsies, The Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Les Miserables all on the Proctor’s Stage.
Keep an eye out for upcoming events!
Please enjoy the gallery of photos from past production, and stay tuned for new pictures soon!
A Christmas Carol Photos